Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"Turkeys In Vegas..."

Thanksgiving was always a big family affair when I was growing up, and the food and festivities continued with my husband’s family for many years.
Once we moved away from family, we celebrated with friends and their families. It was always my husband’s favorite holiday, particularly because of the dishes his grandma and mom always made on Thanksgiving.

When my mother-in-law passed away about a month before Thanksgiving in 2009, we all were reminiscing about past Thanksgivings; sad that we wouldn’t have anymore of the his mom’s holiday food. As we talked about the traditional Thanksgiving and what we planned to do to celebrate that year, we all looked at each other     and said, “Why do we need to stay in town? Let’s go to Vegas!”

   As harsh as that might sound, it was the perfect remedy for preventing an epic holiday disappointment. After all, we’d all be together, we’d see great shows, have fun, and best of all, eat well. But not turkey and cranberries; it would be steakhouses and sushi, and our motto became, “F*** the turkey, we’re going to Joe’s” (the amazing,  Miami/Chicago,/Las Vegas  restaurants, famous for their incredible stone crabs and steak).

   To top it off, as soon, when we got to the hotel, we saw that Stevie Wonder was giving a concert that weekend. I have every one of his albums and had never seen him in concert; and although my kids grew up in the 80s and 90s, they have listened to his music since they were born.

   The holiday began with the amazing Thanksgiving meal at Joe’s (sans turkey). First course was what Joe’s is most famous for; cold jumbo stone crabs with a mustard sauce like no other I’ve ever had, followed by salad and steaks and even their amazing fried chicken, ending with a key lime pie that beat any pumpkin pie I’d ever eaten. Then, I got to bask in the music of my favorite artist with my family by my side. It really doesn’t get any better than that.

That weekend began a celebration with our son and daughter and our son’s then girlfriend, now wife as the nucleus of our new tradition. We shared fun and food in a new way, and I was truly thankful for the fact that we all really WANTED to be together!  We went back the following year and my daughter-in-law even had t-shirts made with our new motto “Forget the Turkey, We’re going to Joe’s!”

Since then, we have happily spent every Thanksgiving together. Last year in Chicago, and this year in St. Louis, with new and innovative flavors and recipes, the feeling is still the same. We love what we grew up, but, even more so, we love what’s ahead!
Happy Turkey Day!

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